
Don't Tread on Me

Subtitle: Piso Mojado.

So goes the saga of our poor floors. We found them under two layers of disgusting carpet.

And a glued-down faux brick entryway.

I tried my hand at making repairs, with limited success. The bedroom closet area, which was a bathroom in the original construction and therefore had never had hardwoods, was incredibly intimidating. In the end, we called in the experts. They did the dusty and stinky work while we were away. Now they look like this:

The bedroom lace-in and finished product:

So cool! Now we can finish the base moulding up here and some final details, and we can start unpacking some stuff and decorating! Very exciting, and just the push we needed to get energized again. The kitchen awaits.


Renee Terese said...

omg, they look absolutely beautiful! i love the color green!

BMer916 said...

wow, we're gonna have to party with our socks on!

carra said...

Ahhhhhh! AWESOME. That looks so good. Can we come and sleep on your floor again?
And you can come sleep on ours...
It's only gonna be 8 hours away.

t'was so good to see you guys. if only ever so briefly.

ps big moving day's close to one week away. pray for us...